News & Events — Page 3 — PetProject.HK

News & Events

PetProject University: What is Freeze-Dried (凍乾糧) Food?

PetProject University: What is Freeze-Dried (凍乾糧) Food?

近年最備受追捧的寵物食糧莫過於凍乾生肉糧,但毛孩家長們又知唔知凍乾糧究竟有咩咁好呢?⁣-⁣凍乾糧嘅製作過程主要就係將生肉冷凍後抽乾,然後再抽乾。因此,凍乾糧不但能保存生肉原有的質量及狀態,亦能杜絕經常在食物中滋生的細菌,不需冷藏及可保存兩年或以上。除此之外,生肉經凍乾後只有原來20%的重量,便於攜帶,非常適合家長帶毛孩外遊時餵食。⁣-⁣欲知詳情歡迎Whatsapp 5600 8648及瀏覽 。⁣•⁣What are the benefits of freeze-dried raw pet food? Not only does it provide all the benefits of a raw food diet, it eliminates the mess and bacteria that comes with it. Freeze-dried pet food also have a...

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PetProject.HK, Relaunched: Filtering

PetProject.HK, Relaunched: Filtering

As pet parents ourselves, we know how daunting it can be going through thousands of products to pick the right one for the furry child.  That's why one of the first things we did revamping the website was upgrading our filtering...

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Pet Project.HK, Relaunched: PetProject Express

Pet Project.HK, Relaunched: PetProject Express

At PetProject.HK, we always try to keep prices low and customer service awesome. You guys are the reason we do this, and we’re thrilled to introduce to you the new logistics capabilities accompanying our upgraded website: PetProject Express: our next...

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PetProject.HK, Relaunched: New Features

PetProject.HK, Relaunched: New Features

“I constantly remind our employees to be afraid, to wake up every morning terrified.  Not of our competition, but of our customers.” -  Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder & CEOWe’re very excited to announce the 2019 relaunch of PetProject.HK, with the...

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PetProject.HK Relaunch Party

27-28 April, 2019: PetProject.HK @ IRIS

[中文版請往下滑] The new and improved PetProject.HK website is officially RELAUNCHED! To thank you for years of loyalty and support, we are running a social media competition to give away FIVE tickets to our relaunch party at IRIS: Your Escape from...

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