Herz 赫緻
Herz has more than 10 years of low-temperature baking technology and a professional R&D team. It has always adhered to the use of natural ingredients.
- No added preservatives
- No added chemical colors
- No added chemical fragrances
- No added salt
Herz believes that less processed Food keeps pets healthy and keeps them away from skin diseases and other health problems caused by food.
- Single pure meat reduces the chance of hairy children being allergic to specific meat
- Made of whole fresh meat
- Does not contain any animal internal organs and bones and animal by-products, and does not cause physical burden
- The whole low-temperature baking process retains complete nutrition without loss
- No grains, only herbal fruits and vegetables that are beneficial to fur
- Soft meat flakes. Easy to chew, digest and absorb
- Focus on food safety, strictly monitor production, and insist on no artificial additives.
- Veterinarians jointly develop and supervise the production. We pay attention to the daily nutrition of pets.
赫緻擁有10多年的低溫烘焙技術以及專業的研發團隊,一直秉持著使用天然食材 — 完全無添加防腐劑、無添加化學色素、無添加化學香料、無添加鹽分,採用更原始、更少加工的食品,讓寵物身體健康,自然遠離皮膚病及其它因食物引起的健康問題。
- 單一純肉,減少毛孩對特定肉種過敏的機率
- 完整新鮮肉塊製成
- 不含任何動物內臟骨骼及動物副產品,不造成身體負擔
- 全程低溫烘焙製程,營養完整保留不流失
- 不含穀物,只添加對毛孩有益的草本蔬果
- 軟質肉片狀,好咀嚼、好消化、好吸收
- 注重食品安全,嚴格監控生產,堅持無人工添加物。
- 獸醫師共同研發監製,注重寵物每日所需營養
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