Boreal — PetProject.HK


With over 30 years experience, Boreal is committed to bringing you the best natural and grain-free dog and cat food in Hong Kong. Using primarily Canadian ingredient sources, Boreal’s all natural recipes allow you to control the protein and carb sources you feed your dogs and cats. Most of their recipes use a single-source protein, using peas and beans to keep their food healthy, while maintaining a low-carb, high protein ratio. Antioxidants and probiotic packages have been added to their blends to improve not only taste, but also digestive and health concerns.

Boreal’s main objective is to reduce the wrong kind of carbs found in pet food, and really focus on providing low GI - glycemic index- starches. By basing their foods on low GI ingredients, your pet will feel full for longer with a more stabilised level of blood sugar. The perfect add-on to Boreal’s recipes for a healthy and happy pet? Exercise!

