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Looking For Pet-Sitters in Hong Kong?

Looking For Pet-Sitters in Hong Kong?

As pet owners ourselves, we understand the struggle of balancing work, social activities and wanting to provide the best for our beloved pets. While we always try our best to prioritize our pets, sometimes other commitments get in the way, such as a big...

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7 Ingredients That Protect Your Dog From Cancer

7 Ingredients That Protect Your Dog From Cancer

As dog lovers, perhaps one of the only downsides to owning a dog is that they don’t live long enough. It is estimated that 1 in 3 domestic dogs will develop cancer, causing cancer to be the leading cause of...

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Top 10 Foods Your Pet Should Avoid

Top 10 Foods Your Pet Should Avoid

As pet owners ourselves, we know just how convincing those puppy (or kitty!) eyes are when our pet is begging for table scraps. All resolve goes out the window when they pat you with their little paws as if to...

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What's the Best Food Texture for my Cat?

What's the Best Food Texture for my Cat?

If you’re a cat owner, chances are you already know how picky cats can be when it comes to their food! Unlike most dogs, cats usually have a strong preference and know what they like and dislike. According to Dr....

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Guide Dogs in Hong Kong

Guide Dogs in Hong Kong

Did you know that guide dogs, also known as seeing eye dogs, only first appeared in Hong Kong in 1975? However, due to a lack of training resources and dog trainers, guide dogs only made a comeback in 2011 when...

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PetProject University: Complete Diet (主食糧) vs Supplemental Diet (副食糧)

PetProject University: Complete Diet (主食糧) vs Supplemental Diet (副食糧)

主食糧是經過悉心營養調配的食糧,為毛孩提供充足及均衡的營養。在選擇毛孩的日常主要食糧時,要留意食品應屬於主食而非副食。寵物小食或零食屬於副食,利用美味可口的小食很容易就能俘虜毛孩的心,讓牠們徹底地愛上你!獎勵小食也是訓練毛孩變得精叻乖巧的好招數!可是小食只可佔寵物平均飲食的十分之一,所以緊記要控制每天主食、副食的份量,不要讓你嘴饞的毛孩吃過量的小食!欲知詳情歡迎Whatsapp 5600 8648及瀏覽 -“Complete" pet foods are formulated to give pets the exact balance of all the nutrients they need to thrive. The most important thing is to check that the food is a “complete” food, rather than a supplemental...

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PetProject University: Grain-Free (去穀物) Pet Food - Why?

PetProject University: Grain-Free (去穀物) Pet Food - Why?

早在寵物食品商業化前,毛孩的祖先以捕獵含有豐富蛋白質的野生動物為生。除去穀物成份能夠使寵物食品更貼近原始、天然的食物。無穀物食品配方較容易消化及吸收,有助減輕毛孩食物敏感問題,為牠們提供更高的能量,以及保持毛髮亮麗和皮膚健康。-Long before we had commercialised pet food, our pets’ ancestors hunted raw, protein rich meals. By removing grain from your pet’s diet, your pet can benefit from a more natural diet that mimics its ancestors’. Grain-free food is easier to...

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PetProject University: Gluten-Free (無麩質) Pet Food - Why?

PetProject University: Gluten-Free (無麩質) Pet Food - Why?

響毛孩的健康。如毛孩長期食用含有麩質的食品,有可能導致食物敏感、消化不良、痕癢不適等健康問題。因此,無麩質配方是為了維持和加強毛孩健康。「無麩質」顧名思義代表食品不含麩質成份,而「無穀物」則代表不含穀物成份。雖然兩者意義相近,但「無麩質」並不等同「無穀物」,即使無麩質配方也有機會含有穀物成份。毛孩家長們應該根據毛孩個別的健康需要,留意食品的包裝標示或描述內容,選擇最適合毛孩的食物配方。Shop now: we seem to hear that word everywhere nowadays! Similar to the idea of grain-free pet food, a gluten-free diet is based off the theory that gluten and grains are an unnatural source of nutrition for pets, and can...

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