PetProject University: Gluten-Free (無麩質) Pet Food - Why?
「無麩質」顧名思義代表食品不含麩質成份,而「無穀物」則代表不含穀物成份。雖然兩者意義相近,但「無麩質」並不等同「無穀物」,即使無麩質配方也有機會含有穀物成份。毛孩家長們應該根據毛孩個別的健康需要,留意食品的包裝標示或描述內容,選擇最適合毛孩的食物配方。Shop now:
Gluten-free: we seem to hear that word everywhere nowadays! Similar to the idea of grain-free pet food, a gluten-free diet is based off the theory that gluten and grains are an unnatural source of nutrition for pets, and can cause problems, such as allergies, indigestion, itchiness in pets if fed long term. However, do keep in mind that while gluten-free food, as the name implies, does not contain gluten, it may or may not contain grain as an ingredient. Shop now:
⚠特別推介 Editor’s Choices:
1. Northwest Naturals - Freeze-Dried Food for Dogs & Cats (
2. WeRuVa - Cats In The Kitchen (
3. Best Feline Friend - Tuna themed Cat Food (