PetProject University: What is Freeze-Dried (凍乾糧) Food? — PetProject.HK
PetProject University: What is Freeze-Dried (凍乾糧) Food?

PetProject University: What is Freeze-Dried (凍乾糧) Food?

欲知詳情歡迎Whatsapp 5600 8648及瀏覽 。⁣
What are the benefits of freeze-dried raw pet food? Not only does it provide all the benefits of a raw food diet, it eliminates the mess and bacteria that comes with it. Freeze-dried pet food also have a longer shelf life; no additional refrigeration or freezing is required, perfect for traveling with your pets. ⁣
Want to know more about freeze-dried pet food? Just send our friendly customer service team a Whatsapp or message on Facebook. Shop now:⁣
特別推介 Editor’s Choices:⁣
1. Grandma Lucy's: ⁣
2. Stella & Chewy’s:
3. Northwest Naturals:
4. Sunday Pets:

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