Bayer - Drontal Allwormer for Dogs - 1 Box x 8 Tabs (Min. 3 Boxes)
Note: This is a veterinary-exclusive product. Please be sure to check with your vet before consumption. By purchasing this product from us, you confirm your pet has been examined by a vet who has recommended the use of this product on the basis of examination and diagnosis. Should your pet’s condition deteriorate in any way while using this product, seek immediate veterinary advice!
Protects against all 4 Major Intestinal Worms of Dogs
• Roundworm
• Hookworm
• Whipworm and
• Tapeworm - (Hydatid and common Flea Tapeworm)
Small Dog ( 3kg ) - 1 tablet per 3 kg bodyweight. eg: A 6kg small breed dog should take 2 tablets of Drontal for Small Dog
Medium Dog ( 10kg ) - 1 tablet per10 kg bodyweight. eg: A 6 kg dog should take 3/4 tablet of Drontal for Medium Dog
Large Dog ( 35kg ) - 1 tablet per 35kg bodyweight. eg: A 30kg dog should take 1 tablet of Drontal for Large Dog