PetProject.HK: MicrocynAH - Dermodacyn Disinfecting Solution - 1L

MicrocynAH - Dermodacyn Disinfecting Solution - 1L

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SKU 60003154
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Our diffuser eliminates 99.99% of viruses, bacteria, fungi, including H7N9, H5N1, MRSA, Straph and Strep, S. Aures and E. Coli using our disinfecting solution. Neutralises odors and increase air freshness without the use of scents. Safe in areas around eyes, ears and mouth. Safe when inhaled in lungs. Safe for use by pets, infants, children and elderlies. 

Application: Fill air diffuser as needed with Dermodacyn Disinfecting Solution. Sterilises air within 300sq ft. Typically eliminates more germs and viruses within an hour.

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